Friday, August 9, 2019

Some Vinegaroon info

  Vinegaroons also referred to as whip scorpions are Thelyphonida which is part of the arachnid order. Vinegaroons resemble a scorpion but are more closely related to spiders.  The particular Vinegaroons I will be showcasing scientific name is Mastigoproctus Giganteus  better known as giant vinegaroons. Vinegaroons have no stinger or venom glands, but they aren’t completely defenseless. They have very strong pedipalps to catch their prey which mostly includes other insects, slugs worms, scorpions millipedes and centipedes. Vinegaroons are also  capable of spraying  a mist of 85% concentrated acetic acid  from the base of their tail. To us it would smell like strong vinegar hence the name Vinegaroon.  Vinegaroons have six legs and two antenna type legs. They have such poor eye sight and are nearly blind but the two long antenna legs are used like a pair of walking canes that are able to feel vibrations, chemical, and tactile stimulation. Vinegaroons  need deep substrate at least five to six inches to dig a burrow that may contain multiple chambers. The juvenile vinegaroons will often seal the entrance to molt also adults and juveniles will hibernate in the burrow. Vinegaroon juveniles molt once a year for a total of four years before becoming an adults and by that time they are able to be sexed.


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